+3 Arts (304 Seats)
Core / Honours papers offered by the College | |
1. Economics | (48 Seats) |
2. English | (32 Seats) |
3. History | (48 Seats) |
4. Odia | (64 Seats) |
5. Philosophy | (48 Seats) |
6. Political Science | (64 Seats) |
+3 Commerce (128 Seats)
Core / Honours papers offered by the College | |
1. Accountancy | (128 Seats) |
+3 Science (PCM - 128 Seats + CBZ - 96 Seats)
Core / Honours papers offered by the College | |
Physical Science | |
1. Physics | (48 Seats) |
2. Chemistry | (48 Seats) |
3. Mathematics | (32 Seats) |
Biological Science | |
1. Botany | (48 Seats) |
2. Zoology | (48 Seats) |

Core I Major, Core II Minor, Core III Minor, MDC1, VAC1 and AEC1 papers

SEC-1, SEC-2, SEC-3, VAC-1, VAC -2, MDC-2 Papers For 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th Semesters